
All Students Are Expected To

  1. Show respect to all the teachers & staff members.
  2. Avoid shouting, whistling or running about the school building.
  3. Avoid throwing papers, chalks, stones etc. anywhere in or around the school premises except in the dust bins provided for the purpose.
  4. Observe all the rules of good conduct on the various buses and on the streets while coming to or returning from school.
  5. Strict silence is to be observed at the freeze bell in the morning, after the recesses and in the passages.
  6. To be admitted to the class room, those who come late must show the class teacher their Regularity Record duly signed by the Principal or Sister-in-charge Moderator of Discipline.
  7. Students should always keep their copy books and text books clear and well covered with brown paper and properly labeled with their names, classes and subjects.
  8. Books, other than the prescribed curriculum or other printed matters, should not be brought to the school.
  9. No subscription can be raised without the permission of the Principal. No gifts to the members of the staff be made without the explicit permission of the Principal/Sister-in-charge.
  10. Students are responsible for the safe custody of their books and belongings. The school does not take the responsibility of the lost goods.
  11. Principal/Sister-in-charge has the right to suspend or dismiss any student whose presence in the school is injurious to the moral tone of the school.
  12. Repeaters have to pay the tuition fees for the month of April and Annual fees for the enrollment on the day fixed before the re-opening of the school.
  13. Students are directed to take their report cards and return them in time. Defaulters will be fined Rs. 10/- per day.
  14. No collection for any purpose what so ever by staff/students may be taken without the prior permission of the Principal/Sister-in-charge.
  15. Care must be taken of the school property, students must not scratch or spoil the furniture, write on the wall or in any way damage what is provided for their use. Any kind of damage done to the school property will lead to dismissal and the damages should be paid by the students.
  16. No one is allowed to put on mehendi, lipstick or nail polish and attend school.
  17. Mobile phones, cameras, any costly gadgets will be confiscated if found with any student in the school.
  18. No books, periodicals or magazines or any printed material or pictures of an objectionable nature should be brought to the school. All books for private reading must be submitted to the class teacher for approval. It is the school authorities who will decide on the objectionable nature of reading material.
  19. No one is allowed to bring to school any sharp objects like knife, scissors, blades, crackers or any object harmful to the fellow students. Any defaulter will be suspended from school.
  20. No student is allowed to wear finger rings.
  21. No student is allowed to use physical force to strike any student in or outside school campus or use any abusive language derogatory to ones character. Any offender of this rule will be suspended or dismissed from the school.
  22. No student without any exception from Std I to X will be allowed to wear a wrist watch in the school.

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